Deutsche Film­ver­sicherungs­gemein­schaft

Commercial Illustration
»Extra Expense Insurance«

»Extra Expense Insurance«

Nobody likes to think about the worst possible outcomes — a big challenge for insurance companies.

So when Germany’s largest insurer specialized in movie productions, »Deutsche Film­ver­sicher­ungs­ge­mein­schaft«, updated their website, they knew they had to find a new way to communicate with their clients.

»Props, Sets and Wardrobe Insurance«

»Props, Sets and Wardrobe Insurance«

They hired me to create tongue-in-cheek illustrations in a cartoonish style. These illustrations explain their different insurance packages in a light-hearted manner, making sure their clients think about all eventualities while keeping the conversation from turning dark.

»Equipment Insurance«

»Equipment Insurance«

»Cast Insurance«

»Cast Insurance«

»Image, Sound and Data Media Insurance«

»Image, Sound and Data Media Insurance«

»Production Third Party Liability Insurance«

»Production Third Party Liability Insurance«

Are you looking for illustrations for your project?
Don’t hesitate to reach out for a free consultation!

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